Fiction is a kind of compassion-generating machine that saves us from sloth. Is life kind or cruel? Yes Literature answers. Are people good or bad? You bet says Literature. But unlike other systems of knowing Literature declines to eradicate one truth in favor of another.
Bear in mind North Korea has been the leading source a leading source of nuclear technology and of missile delivery systems to some of the world's great rogues in Iran and Syria.
I have never come across a technology that doesn't change. This is inevitable. You have to adapt your systems as technology develops.
What is needed now is a transformation of the major systems of production more profound than even the sweeping post-World War II changes in production technology.
For the blue-collar worker the driving force behind change was factory automation using programmable machine tools. For the office worker it's office automation using computer technology: enterprise-resource-planning systems groupware intranets extranets expert systems the Web and e-commerce.
A company can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on firewalls intrusion detection systems and encryption and other security technologies but if an attacker can call one trusted person within the company and that person complies and if the attacker gets in then all that money spent on technology is essentially wasted.
In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.
Microsoft isn't evil they just make really crappy operating systems.
My being a teacher had a decisive influence on making language and systems as simple as possible so that in my teaching I could concentrate on the essential issues of programming rather than on details of language and notation.
A creative element is surely present in all great systems and it does not seem possible that all sympathy or fundamental attitudes of will can be entirely eliminated from any human philosophy.
I get hired by companies to hack into their systems and break into their physical facilities to find security holes. Our success rate is 100% we've always found a hole.
When you look at where the real problems are among minorities in our society particularly blacks it's at the bottom. It's the people who are in school systems that don't educate neighborhoods where there is a lot of crime drugs the whole bit.
You know there was a time just before I started to study physical science when astronomers thought that systems such as we have here in the solar system required a rare triple collision of stars.
You can find academic and industrial groups doing some relevant work but there isn't a focus on building complex molecular systems. In that respect Japan is first Europe is second and we're third.
First and foremost I'm a feminist. And basically that stems from a strong belief that all people and creatures deserve equal opportunity rights and respect.
All too many Muslims fail to grasp Islam which teaches one to be lenient towards others and to understand their value systems knowing that these are tolerated by Islam as a religion.
You'll be dedicated and that's what you should want to be in anything in life - whether it's sports or academics or your relationship. It all stems from finding that fun that thrill that excitement.
The value systems of those with access to power and of those far removed from such access cannot be the same. The viewpoint of the privileged is unlike that of the underprivileged.
The only way that we're going to feel secure in this country again and that we're going to feel good about ourselves is if we use these systems we've put into place to create positive change around the world. I really believe we can do that.
The ability of the 1 percent to buy politicians and regulators is nothing new in American politics - just as inequality has been a permanent part of our economic system. This is true of virtually all political and economic systems.
The artist is the confidant of nature flowers carry on dialogues with him through the graceful bending of their stems and the harmoniously tinted nuances of their blossoms. Every flower has a cordial word which nature directs towards him.
I knew of course that trees and plants had roots stems bark branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Our systems are all go. At 9:30 Monday morning trading will resume on both markets and the message will be given to criminals who foisted this on America that they lost.
In my opinion MS is a lot better at making money than it is at making good operating systems.
If we pollute the air water and soil that keep us alive and well and destroy the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function no amount of money will save us.
Sometime they don't let you know that they know that they don't know everything but the core of the medical approach is that you try to identify pathologies which are subsystems within the human body or the larger system that are having undesirable consequences.
What's important at the grocery store is just as important in engines or medical systems. If the customer isn't satisfied if the stuff is getting stale if the shelf isn't right or if the offerings aren't right it's the same thing. You manage it like a small organization. You don't get hung up on zeros.
Marriage is an institution fits in perfect harmony with the laws of nature whereas systems of slavery and segregation were designed to brutally oppress people and thereby violated the laws of nature.
The people and the mindset that killed 3 000 of our fellow citizens on September 11 2001 would have killed not 3 0 but 300 000 if they could have or 3 million or 30 million. We need to do everything we can within our value systems and legal structures to make sure that doesn't happen.
In the early centuries of Islam the great schools of Islamic jurisprudence were built upon the above principles. Basic to all their legal systems they developed the doctrine that liberty is the fundamental basis of law.