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I want art to make me think. In order to do that it may piss me off or make me uncomfortable. That promotes awareness and change or at least some discussion.

I like what I see now in China but I think the Japanese are a step ahead into craziness and weirdness. I go to galleries there that are the size of a New York elevator and every time I'm surprised by the amazing things I find. I really hope I'll be able to promote some of these artists to show their work in the West.

One already feels like an anachronism writing novels in the age of what-ever-this-is-the-age-of but touring to promote them feels doubly anachronistic. The marketplace is showing an increasing intolerance for the time-honored practice of printing information on paper and shipping it around the country.

We live in an age in an era where there is so much negativity there is so much violence in the world there is so much unrest and people are at war that I wanted to promote the word love and red signifies love.