Search For enemies In Quotes 115

I choose my friends for their good looks my acquaintances for their good characters and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

A man who was completely innocent offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others including his enemies and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something sometime in your life.

But I say to you Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

We make our friends we make our enemies but God makes our next door neighbour.

God's angels often protect his servants from potential enemies.


I have never made but one prayer to God a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

The enemies of the future are always the very nicest people.

Drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope - and when we fight against drugs we are fighting for the future.

I think the Cold War works as a great analogy or simile for different kinds of conflict. It's funny when you look back at it it's one of the last times that the boundaries were clear. Now as we see on 'Homeland ' there are no clear boundaries and enemies.

I no doubt deserved my enemies but I don't believe I deserved my friends.

Instead of loving your enemies - treat your friends a little better.

He has no enemies but is intensely disliked by his friends.

An excellent man he has no enemies and none of his friends like him.

Never explain - your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

Our constitutional liberties shall not be sacrificed in our search for greater security for that is what our enemies and all enemies of freedom and democracy hope to achieve.

The enemies of freedom will not prevail.

Remove advertising disable a person or firm from proclaiming its wares and their merits and the whole of society and of the economy is transformed. The enemies of advertising are the enemies of freedom.

The enemies of freedom do not argue they shout and they shoot.

No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.

It's said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies - because you never know when you'll have to work with them.

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.

Forgive your enemies but never forget their names.

Under the influence of fear which always leads men to take a pessimistic view of things they magnified their enemies' resources and minimized their own.

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing more to fear from them then he is always stirring up some war or other in order that the people may require a leader.

In God's family there are no outsiders no enemies.

The enemies of the Christian religion and the Law of God confuse law with faith.

Since I was an atheist for many years and came to believe in God through my studies in science it frustrated me to see students and parents who viewed faith and science as enemies.

In America now let us - Christian Jew Muslim agnostic atheist wiccan whatever - fight nativism with the same strength and conviction that we fight terrorism. My faith calls on its followers to love one's enemies. A tall order that - perhaps the tallest of all.