Search For trade In Quotes 113

Canada and the United States are also working at the World Trade Organization and in our own hemisphere with negotiations for a Trade Area of the Americas to try to help countries create a positive climate for investment and trade.

Now is the time for the U.S. and the nations of Western Europe who engaged in the slave trade throughout this hemisphere to come forward in a positive way to assist in undoing the harm that was caused by their past colonial policies in the hemisphere.

Macroeconomic policy can never be devoid of politics: it involves fundamental trade-offs and affects different groups differently.

There's people coming in who've never done any politics at all who've never been in a trade union they've never been in a political party they've never done anything but they do feel a kind of urgency.

Pro football gave me a good sense of perspective to enter politics: I'd already been booed cheered cut sold traded and hung in effigy.

Would that the simple maxim that honesty is the best policy might be laid to heart that a sense of the true aim of life might elevate the tone of politics and trade till public and private honor become identical.

Ferdinand was a gold trader. He was a lawyer for mining companies. When he entered politics in l949 he had tons and tons of gold. When Bill Gates was a college dropout Ferdinand already possessed billions of dollars and tons of gold. It wasn't stolen.

For a poet to depict a poet in poetry is a hazardous experiment in regarding one's own trade a sense of humour and a little wholesome cynicism are not amiss.

The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace... a representation of man's belief in humanity his need for individual dignity his beliefs in the cooperation of men and through cooperation his ability to find greatness.

Peace is a natural effect of trade.

The plane took off at 8:10 in the morning - or that's when it was scheduled to take off. And that's when I believe it took off. I had been in my office at the Department of Justice. Someone told me that there had been the two strikes that occurred at the World Trade Center.

It only worked for a little while the morning after I agreed to go with Universal an article came out in the Hollywood trade papers and the secret was out.

I am really passionate about my career and my music and I am so lucky to be able to do what I do for a job so for all the early morning starts and long days I could never trade it all in.

'The Panorama' is also the last place anywhere in New York where the World Trade Center still stands whole as it stood in the early morning of September 11. I can also see the corner where I saw the first tower fall and howled out loud. Seeing the buildings again here is uplifting healing.

Go miser go for money sell your soul. Trade wares for wares and trudge from pole to pole So others may say when you are dead and gone. See what a vast estate he left his son.

My mom is many times responsible for getting us all together but we trade off at each other's houses. My brother and I are actors and are traveling a lot of our job.

Men don't and can't live by exchanging articles but by producing them. They don't live by trade but by work. Give up that foolish and vain title of Trades Unions and take that of laborers Unions.

I've always considered making it legal for Americans to import their prescription drugs a free-trade issue. Imports create competition and keep domestic industry more responsive to consumers.

Who most benefits from keeping marijuana illegal? The greatest beneficiaries are the major criminal organizations in Mexico and elsewhere that earn billions of dollars annually from this illicit trade - and who would rapidly lose their competitive advantage if marijuana were a legal commodity.

It wasn't until I went to college that I met the theatre people and began to admire them because they were learning a trade that was guaranteed to make money!

Some people are so busy learning the tricks of the trade that they never learn the trade.

I can't do the same movies all my life. I'm conscious of that. But it's a trade-off. 'Dear John' allowed me to do movies I've wanted to do. You learn to balance it out. I'm still learning. Only now am I getting to do the kinds of movies that I have wanted to do. So it's a steady climb. You don't jump into a Soderbergh film.

The trouble with the Labour Party leadership and the trade union leadership they're quite willing to applaud millions on the streets of the Philippines or in Eastern Europe without understanding the need to also produce millions of people on the streets of Britain.

Each co-operative institution will become a school of business in which each member will acquire a knowledge of the laws of trade and commerce.

It was my mother's idea. Her feeling was that I didn't have the intelligence to pick a trade myself.

Skill is successfully walking a tightrope between the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center. Intelligence is not trying.

Someone once said that history has more imagination than all the scenario writers in the Pentagon and we have a lot of scenario writers here. No one ever wrote a scenario for commercial airliners crashing into the World Trade Center.

Here at home when Americans were standing in long lines to give blood after the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon we squandered an obvious opportunity to make service a noble cause again and rekindle an American spirit of community.

Things aren't right. If a burglar breaks into your home and you shoot him he can sue you. For what restraint of trade?

The history of all countries shows that the working class exclusively by its own effort is able to develop only trade-union consciousness.