Search For manage In Quotes 226

I've been allowed to grow over the past twenty years. I've managed to avoid being trapped in one moment of my career and for that I'm very thankful.

Most of the offers I get from Hollywood are for teen comedies. My manager thinks I'm crazy for turning down all that money but I'm very picky.

There is no single development in either technology or management technique which by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement within a decade in productivity in reliability in simplicity.

Product management really is the fusion between technology what engineers do - and the business side.

I managed Hewlett Packard through the worst technology downturn in 25 years the dotcom bust.

My younger sister had kids before I did and managed to earn a master's degree while raising them as a single parent. Now she's a brilliant second-grade teacher. I'm in awe of her ability to juggle everything and still be a great mother.

When you become a parent or a teacher you turn into a manager of this whole system. You become the person controlling the bubble of innocence around a child regulating it.

The first myth of management is that it exists. The second myth of management is that success equals skill.

Success depends almost entirely on how effectively you learn to manage the game's two ultimate adversaries: the course and yourself.

I'm not a defender of old or new football managers. I believe in good ones and bad ones those that achieve success and those that don't.

You can manage 50 people through the strength of your personality and lack of sleep. You can touch them all in a week and make sure they're all pointed in the right direction.

Academics don't normally manage to alter people's way of thinking through their strength of argument.

What we call a poem is mostly what is not there on the page. The strength of any poem is the poems that it has managed to exclude.

We managed to hang in there. Today when people get married there's a tendency to run away when things get tough. There is a lot of strength in hanging together.

Method is more important than strength when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake a crow once managed To have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.

What's more important than who's going to be the first black manager is who's going to be the first black sports editor of the New York Times.

Sports betting is all about money management so the most money won on one event is not the most important thing.

The sports world is an echo chamber. All it takes is one quote from a general manager and a thousand sports columns bloom.

We are not just here to manage capitalism but to change society and to define its finer values.

Society needs people who can manage projects in addition to handling individual tasks.

When you consider all the stars I have managed mere submarines make me smile.

And I like the look on people's faces when I say I'm doing this movie called Pride and Prejudice and they kind of smile and then I say I'm in a movie called Doom and they kind of do a double take and try and put the two things together. And they never quite manage to.

One of the sad things about contemporary journalism is that it actually matters very little. The world now is almost inured to the power of journalism. The best journalism would manage to outrage people. And people are less and less inclined to outrage.

My most romantic job: I was a manager at Baskin-Robbins.

The actors I respect are the ones who see it as a career and manage to live reasonably normal lives like Meryl Streep and Philip Seymour Hoffman.

It's critical that the manager has the respect of players so he can make the moves that he feels is appropriate without having somebody go to the papers. They respect you. So you respect them back.

The only thing I believe is this: A player does not have to like a manager and he does not have to respect a manager. All he has to do is obey the rules.

Managers have very tough jobs. I always respected their job but demanded respect in return.

Just as the Russians and the Soviets didn't manage to wipe out languages in Lithuania neither have they managed to wipe out religion to the extent that we had feared.

For no art and no religion is possible until we make allowances until we manage to keep quiet the enfant terrible of logic that plays havoc with the other faculties.