Why do you think I write these feminist songs to try and teach myself to respect myself. You know it's not because I'm a hero.
Love is a piano dropped from a fourth story window and you were in the wrong...
I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is...
Patriarchy is like the elephant in the room that we don't talk about but how...
Pop stardom is not very compelling. I'm much more interested in a...
I see a lot of connections between folk and punk music just because they're...
Maybe you don't like your job maybe you didn't get enough sleep well nobody...
Strangers are exciting their mystery never ends. But there's nothing like...
God forbid you be an ugly girl 'course too pretty is also your doom 'cause...
I'd rather be able to face myself in the bathroom mirror than be rich and...
Lately I did a film called All I Want for Christmas and it was well received....
I have great respect for directors who know what they're doing.
Other bands gave us lip service but when it came down to it they kind of...
We are talking about someone who has lived. It must be honored in every...
I think the crux of the matter was that if we were going to become partners...
The reason it has relevance is because I as a popular Arab personality - the...
Willing or preferring is the same with respect to good and evil that judging...
You don't stay married for thirty-nine years because of sex or even because...
Madonna is a pro. I don't like her and have no respect for her but- I don't...
Well being that at the house and being in the competition it was very hard...